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Everything You Need To Know About Oriental Roaches In Dallas


Dallas, Texas, provides the perfect warm environment for many insects, including cockroaches. Unfortunately, this means your residential property is at risk of a cockroach infestation if you fail to implement effective prevention strategies.

Today we'll discuss how to identify oriental cockroaches and the problems they cause when they invade homes. If you're looking for effective pest control in Dallas, your best bet is professional services from Greenforest Termite & Pest Control. Contact our experienced team to request your free estimate.

How To Identify Oriental Cockroaches

Out of the most common types of cockroaches to invade residential properties, oriental cockroaches in Dallas may be the easiest to identify. These irritating pests are often referred to as "water bugs" due to their habit of crawling through pipes and plumbing. Oriental cockroaches have dark, pill-shaped bodies with a glossy appearance. They may be dark brown or black and are about one inch long.

Though oriental cockroaches typically remain outdoors throughout the year, these common insects invade homes while searching for food and water. If you believe roaches have taken over your residential property, don't hesitate to contact the professionals from Greenforest Termite & Pest Control. We're ready to defend your home against pests year-round.

Do Oriental Cockroaches Bite?

One of the first concerns people have about oriental cockroaches is whether or not they're considered dangerous. The answer to that question is yes. However, many people wonder what makes them a threat to your health. The primary health threat oriental cockroaches pose is spreading harmful bacteria into your home. Roaches transmit diseases such as salmonellosis by contaminating your food items and countertops.

Although these common household insects can bite humans, it's not a common occurrence. A bite from an oriental cockroach may cause a painful red welt. There is a risk that a bite from one of these pests could lead to infection, but if you keep the wound clean, you shouldn't have any issues. Contact Greenforest Termite & Pest Control today for effective cockroach control near you!

Always Check Damp Areas For Oriental Roaches

Oriental cockroaches love to hide in damp, dark areas. Outdoors they're often found under rocks, logs, and leaf litter. When they invade homes, they commonly frequent pipes and drains. These pests are attracted to moisture, which is why they often hide in damp areas of your property, including:

  • Bathrooms where steam builds up
  • Laundry rooms that may have piles of wet clothing
  • Basements where leaky pipes are often exposed

The best way to handle a pest problem is with help from our licensed technicians at Greenforest Termite & Pest Control. With several years of experience controlling and preventing pests, we have what it takes to keep your Dallas home protected throughout every season.

Pest Control For Dallas Homes

Attempting to handle a cockroach infestation on your own isn't easy, especially when you don't have the knowledge and skills necessary to eliminate them. When you're having trouble with pests, you can't go wrong with help from our pest technicians at Greenforest Termite & Pest Control. It's our mission to utilize efficient treatment options to eliminate pests from your Dallas home. We've got you covered whether you're looking for oriental cockroach control or help with a different pest problem.

Don't wait for cockroaches to invade your home and threaten your family. Instead, contact Greenforest Termite & Pest Control today for details about our pest control and prevention services.
